Monday, December 30, 2013

New Craftivities + Teaching Blog Round Up

Even though I want my winter break to last forever...I started planning some fun things to do when we get back.  Introducing...


Click on each picture to check them out!  As always, I will give away a few to some loyal followers.  The first 2 people to comment with an email address and which craftivity shown above that they would like will receive an email from me :)

Also, I am linking up with Jennifer from Simply Kinder for her Teaching Blog Round Up.  She wanted to do one big link-up so we could all connect.  Click below to link-up!

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Saturday, December 14, 2013


"As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School.  We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children.  We honor their memory with our service.  Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook."   


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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Monday(!) and a Good Cause

Happy Cyber Monday eve!  I am sure your email account has been full all weekend with deals from stores for the big day tomorrow.  I didn't go out on Black Friday this year, so Cyber Monday will be when I take care of all of my gifts.  With so many stores opening at various times on Thursday, I figured that all of the doorbusters would be gone by Friday morning.  Also, I hosted Thanksgiving this year, so I couldn't kick my guests out so I could go on Thursday!  Long story short, I am a huge fan of Cyber Monday.

Even though I take care of most of my gift-giving, I also take advantage of the incredible deals + free shipping to buy a few things that I have been wanting or needing for awhile.  I like to clean out my wishlists on various websites.  If you are looking to cross a few things off of your TPT wishlist, then be sure to stop by for the big Cyber Monday Sale!

cyber monday

Here are some of the most wishlisted items from my shop:

{Editable} Monthly Calendars 2013-2014 A Class Book per Week for the Entire Year BUNDLE RTI: Sight Word Intervention
Common Core Mini Lessons and More: Time Common Core Mini Lessons and More: MeasurementCommon Core Mini Lessons and More: Geometry 
Christmas Craftivity Pack  Winter Craftivity Pack

While you are filling your cart, please consider purchasing a bundle from the Central Illinois Tornado Relief Fund.  All proceeds will go to help the victims of the November 17th tornadoes in central Illinois.  These bundles will be available December 1st - 31st.  A big thanks to Amanda Pauley for letting me know how I could help with this!

Here are the two bundles I am a part of:
Tornado Relief Fund - Holiday K-2 Bundle
A holiday bundle with products from Amanda Pauley, Deanna Jump, Miss Kindergarten, Teacher at Heart, Cindy Feeney (Kinderkay), Melonheadz, Jen Jones - Hello Literacy, First Grade Blue Skies, Kindergarten Smiles, Vicky Moore, Nicki Thigpen, Karen Rowland, Liz Fowler, Kindergarten Squared, Ms. Arnold, Smart Chick, Teach 123, Teachery Tidbits,  Brittany Hutchinson,  Kindergarten Smorgasboard, Andrea Knight, Khrys Bosland, Lovin’ Lit, Charlottes Clips, and Pink Cat Studio

Illinois Tornado Relief Fund Winter K-2 Bundle
A winter bundle with products from Kim Adsit, Cara Carroll, Lori Rosenberg, Teacher at Heart, Lory Evans, Anna Brantley, Melonheadz, Meet Miss Parker, Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten, Regina Berns, Rebecca Anderton, KTP on TPT, Primarily Au-Some, Kyp McLaren, Vickie Plant, The Write Stuff, Lovin’ Lit, Charlottes Clips, and Pink Cat Studio

Happy Shopping!  
(P.S.  Anyone else wanting to take a personal day to shop Cyber Monday in their jammies?!)

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